M1808 L. Pomeroy State of New York musket - $1050.00

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M1808 L. Pomeroy State of New York musket. 40-11/16" barrel appears to be original length. Marked on lock "L.POMEROY" somewhat faintly. Barrel is marked "SNY" for New York and dated 1809. Metal parts are generally a pleasing brown patina with some pitting in the barrel breech area. Stock is good, has some minor chipping in the ramrod channel edges, and some slivering in the forearm edges, a forearm grain crack on the right side between the bands, and a couple cracks in the bottom of the forearm where it became thin through to the ramrod channel from use. There is some minor age checking in the stock by the buttplate. Sling swivels are absent. Overall, an honestly used gun with a good appearance. Lock does not appear to have half cock. Sold as a collector item only, not warranted safe to shoot.