Accoutrements 1776-1865
Accoutrements 1865-1945
Fighting Knives
Antique Swords
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American Swords

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American Revolution  
C1780 American sabre with smooth wooden grip and leather scab (25-3/4" blade)Good$2495.00
C1780 Infantry officer sabre with spiral decorated grip (26-3/4" blade)Good$2250.00
British P1742 Infantry hangerGood$1250.00
C1770-80 American infantry sword with American-made bladeGood$1750.00
early American D-guard hanger (23-5/8" blade)Good$995.00
C1750 Hessian infantry hanger with unknown cipher on blade (25-1/4" blade)Good$1250.00
C1750 Hessian infantry hanger (24-3/4" blade)Good$950.00
"Monkey head" lionpommel sword, hilted into a later bladeFair$1750.00
C1780 silver mounted infantry hangerFair$850.00
fancy Small Sword hilting of C1600 Spanish or German sabre blade marked SAHAGUMFair$550.00
Small Sword hilting of earlier Spanish rapier bladeFair$350.00
untouched C1750-75 American-made hunting swordFair$350.00
C1700-50 Iron hilted sword with extensively pierced intricate hiltFair$550.00
Victorian copy of a very fancy Continental small swordVery Good$275.00
early excavated rapier bladeGood$275.00
antique copy of a C1670 cup hilt rapierGood$350.00
War of 1812-Mexican War  
C1790 NCO sword with bulbous pommel (28-1/4" blade)Fair$995.00
C1790 William Rose, Philadelphia style sabre (25-1/4" blade)Good$1150.00
New Orleans style silverhilted sabre with United States Dragoon on bladeGood$2495.00
C1790-1800 silverhilt urn pommel sabre with scabbard and "No Me Saques Sin Razon/No Me Embaines Sin Honor" motto bladeGood$2650.00
Massive eaglehead sabre with unusual early New York state eagle in guardFair$1250.00
C1790 English spadroon marked on hilt S:NEWBYFair$350.00
C1790 American-made stirrup hilt sabreFair$1150.00
C1790-1810 "pillow pommel" spadroon with wonderful blue and gold blade, complete scabbard, nice giltVery Fine$2250.00
C1790-1810 pillow pommel spadroon with scabbardGood$650.00
C1790-1810 "pillow pommel" sabre with scabbard, nice blued bladeFine$1500.00
C1790-1810 "pillow pommel" spadroon with partial scabbard, nice engraved blade with eagle, Indian princessGood$1200.00
C1790-1810 unique eagle pommel sabre with interesting eagle langet, with scabbardGood$1250.00
C1800-1810 Philadelphia-style eaglehead spadroon, engraved Richards Upsom & CoGood$850.00
C1810 maker marked large horseman's sabre with scabbard (34" blade)Good$1750.00
C1810 brass hilted horseman's sabre (35-3/8" blade)Good$995.00
C1800-20 horseman's sabre with wide blade, interesting North Carolina sunburst device on langetGood$1250.00
C1810 Baltimore-style eaglehead sabre, interesting etching with starsGood$675.00
C1810 eaglehead sabre with leather scabbard, rare ordnance bomb guardGood$1500.00
C1810 Baltimore style eaglehead sabre with wide blade, with scabbardGood$1050.00
C1800-20 naval dirk with brass hilt engraved with anchor and martial panoplies, damascus bladeGood$650.00
C1800-1820 silver mounted dirk with 5" blade, silver scabbardGood$750.00
C1810-20 D-guard NCO sword, nice grip wrapGood$375.00
unusual C1820-30 fancy P-guard sword with eagle on top of pommelVery Good$650.00
C1820 stirrup hilt sabre with interesting birdhead-shaped reinforcement at guard-pommel junctureGood$350.00
Reproduction US Baltimore Naval cutlassGood$650.00
M1818 Starr NCO sword with scabbardGood$850.00
M1818 Starr US sabre with scabbard, very nicely markedGood$750.00
C1820 large dovehead sabre with highly decorated hilt including eagle on pommel, engraved scabbardGood$1250.00
C1820 large dovehead sabre with etched blade, interesting decorated pommel, brass scabbardVery Good$1250.00
C1820-30 D-guard officer sword with interesting rayskin and flat copper wrapGood$495.00
C1820-30 eaglehead sabre with unusually large head, etched blade, brass scabbardGood$1500.00
C1820-30 eaglehead sword with cruciform guard, signed "Andrews 9 Pall Mall"Fine$550.00
C1820-30 eaglehead spadroon with engraved bladeVery Good$550.00
C1820-35 eaglehead sabre with gold embellished bladeGood$475.00
C1820-30 5-ball eaglehead spadroon with scabbard, blade/scabbard and guard brokenFair$350.00
C1830 Ames Knighthead sword with marked scabbard, beautiful gold giltVery Fine$2450.00
C1820 American reverse-P guard sabre with scabbard, possibly all-American made, white-finished plain blade shows forging flawFine$850.00
C1820-35 5-ball eaglehead with scabbard, fine blued bladeFine$1650.00
C1820-30 reverse-P guard "dovehead" sabre with scabbard, marked "WOOLLEY & SARGANT"Good$595.00
C1820-40 Ames style knighthead sword with eagle counterguardVery Good$395.00
C1830 F.W.Widmann Philadelphia eaglehead sword with fine eagle-engraved brass scabbardFine$1500.00
C1830 eaglehead sword with etched straight blade and wonderful deeply engraved scabbard with full silver finishVery Fine$1500.00
most unusual Eagle Claw pommel swordGood$350.00
C1830-50 acorn pommel officer sword with scabbard, eagle on bladeFair$595.00
C1830-40 eaglehead sword with Medusa langet, nice brass scabbardGood$750.00
C1830 Widmann, Philadelphia straight blade eaglehead sword with double langetsGood$650.00
C1830 straight eaglehead with blued blade, leather scabbard, scarce original knot$650.00
C1830 straight eaglehead with brass scabbard, nicely blued bladeFine$595.00
C1830-40 eaglehead sword with eagle counterguardGood$450.00
C1830 straight eaglehead sword, possibly Widmann, PhiladelphiaGood$375.00
C1830 straight sword with American eagle counter guard, French-pattern hilt, and diamond bladeGood$495.00
C1830 eaglehead sword with straight blade and brass scabbardFair$450.00
C1830 eaglehead sword with ball crossguard (broken) and nicely etched bladeFair$350.00
C1830-50 Eaglehead sabre with scabbard, nice etched bladeFine$750.00
C1830-50 German silver mounted dirk with 7-1/4" blade, marked "RODGERS JUSTLY CELEBRATED DIRK", from the Lattimer collectionGood$550.00
C1830-50 Eaglehead sword with eagle langets, blued bladeVery Good$495.00
M1832 Staff officer sword with scabbard, by AmesVery Good$1450.00
rare Massachusetts contract M1833 dragoon sword with scabbardGood$2250.00
Knighthead sword for parts or restoration, has beautiful blued/etched bladeFair$450.00
C1835 eaglehead sabre with interesting engravingGood$450.00
C1830-50 straight-blade eaglehead swordGood$395.00
M1832 Staff and Field militia sword with engraved brass scabbard, by AmesVery Good$2250.00
M1832 Staff and Field sword with partial scabbardFair$1250.00
M1840 Dragoon sabre with scabbard by Sheble and Fisher, PhiladelphiaGood$695.00
imported M1840 Dragoon sabre with scabbardVery Good$475.00
imported M1840 Dragoon sabre with scabbard, rewrapped gripGood$425.00
imported M1840 Dragoon sabre with scabbard by Clemen & Jung Solingen (C&J), rewrapped gripGood$400.00
scarce M1840 NCO sword by Ames, 1848Fair$450.00
M1841 USN cutlass by Ames, 1846Good$1150.00
M1841 USN cutlass dated 1846Good$1150.00
C1850 Diplomatic sword with cutout eagle counterguard, mother of pearl grip, triangular bladeGood$850.00
Civil War Union  
C1860-70 Diplomatic sword with cutout eagle counterguard, mother of pearl grip, with scabbardGood$850.00
M1840 Ames Dragoon sabre with scabbard, scarce pre-civil war date 1858, period Confederate-style rewrapped grip with single copper wireFine$1250.00
scarce M1840 pattern sabre with scabbard by HammondFine$1250.00
C1850-60 knighthead sword with scabbard, eagle engraved bladeFine$350.00
Knighthead sword with nicely etched blade featuring eagle and "US", with scabbardFine$275.00
scarce pattern Non-Regulation officer sword with scabbard, by ClaubergVery Fine$1850.00
unusual pattern 3-branch Non-Regulation officer sword with scabbard, by HorstmannGood$950.00
"Peterson Figure 75" non-regulation officer sword with scabbard, distinctive eagle-over-US in guardGood$750.00
assembled "Peterson Figure 75" style non-regulation officer sword with raisin scabbardGood$575.00
unusual M1840 Artillery sabre with scabbard marked only C.ROBY & CO (Chelmsford, MA, made as a state contract)Very Good$1250.00
M1840 Artillery sabre with scabbard, Ames 1864Good$750.00
M1840 Artillery sabre with scabbard, dated 1865Good$550.00
M1840 NCO sword, Ames 1862Very Good$295.00
M1840 NCO sword by Ames, 1864 Good$265.00
M1840 NCO sword, Emerson & Silver 1863Good$295.00
M1840 NCO swordFair$125.00
USMC-style M1840 NCO sword with turned down counterguard, Horstmann markedGood$250.00
M1840 Ames musician sword dated 1864, with scabbardVery Good$350.00
M1850 Staff and Field Officer's sword with scabbard, by HorstmannFine$950.00
M1850 US Staff and Field sword and scabbard, by HorstmannFine$1550.00
M1850 Foot officer sword with scabbard, very fine etched blade by W.H.Horstmann & Sons, PhiladelphiaFine$1250.00
M1850 Foot officer sword with scabbard, faint etched, plated blade, by Horstmann & Sons, PhiladelphiaVery Good$750.00
M1850 Foot Officer sword, unmarked, with very fine bladeFine$550.00
M1850 Foot Officer sword with nicely engraved Roby-style bladeFine$450.00
M1860 cavalry sabre by Ames, 1864Fine$850.00
M1860 Ames Cavalry sabre with scabbard, dated 1864, fine bladeFine$795.00
M1860 cavalry sabre by Emerson & Silver, 1864Very Good$750.00
M1860 Ames Cavalry sabre with scabbard, dated 1865Good$650.00
M1860 cavalry sabre with scabbard, by Mansfield & Lamb, 1865Good$650.00
scarce New Jersey contract M1860 Cavalry sabre with scabbard by Emerson & SilverGood$750.00
relic M1860 cavalry sabreGood$350.00
M1860 cavalry sabre by Ames, 1864, broken, battlefield pickup conditionFair$250.00
Civil War period M1860 Staff and Field sword and scabbard, by HorstmanVery Good$950.00
"shingle stick" wood and leather practice cutlass (ref "Small Arms of the Sea Services" by Rankin pp49-50)Fine$350.00
Knighthead sword with scabbardVery Fine$250.00
Knight pommel sword with engraved bladeVery Fine$225.00
M1860 Staff style sword with cruciform crossguard and plain bladeFine$175.00
Knighthead sword marked GERMANYFine$135.00
Knighthead swordVery Good$100.00
Civil War Confederate  
Confederate foot officer sword by Mitchell and Tyler, Richmond (unmarked)Good$2500.00
CS-Star shortsword with scabbard, bullet-struck hiltVery Good$4200.00
Indian Wars  
M1872 Light Artillery officer sabre and scabbard by Winship, BostonExcellent$650.00
C1850-70 cadet or boy's sword with eagle on pommel and counterguard, with scabbardGood$350.00
M1875 USMC officer sword by HorstmannFine$525.00
M1860 Staff and Field sword and scabbard, with unusual whistle guard, marked GERMANYExcellent$995.00
extrafancy M1860 Staff and Field sword and heavily engraved brass scabbard, fancy metal grip, by PettiboneGood$695.00
M1860 Staff and Field sword and scabbard by Henderson Ames Co., has Springfield Armory style hiltFine$550.00
early Indian War period M1860 staff and field sword and scabbard by M C LilleyFine$495.00
Child's M1860 Staff and Field sword and scabbardGood$350.00
Child's M1860 Staff and Field sword with scabbardGood$175.00
fancy M1872 Cavalry officer sabre with scabbard by RidabockExcellent$850.00
Fine knighthead dress sword by Morris Angel & SonGood$350.00
early Knights Templar sword with scabbard, by Horstman, PhiladelphiaVery Fine$450.00
Knights of St. John sword and scabbardFine$250.00
Post-1900 US Army Swords  
Military Academy (MA) sword by William C. Rowland, PhiladelphiaVery Fine$350.00
Military Academy sword with scabbard, by RowlandVery Fine$250.00
West Point sword with scabbardVery Fine$225.00
early Springfield M1902 officer sword with scabbard, full nickel-silver mountedGood$450.00
M1902 Eaglehead officer's sabre, gold washed blade, named to (Major William) "Billy" B. Grizzard of Fort Worth, TX, interesting record of service 1930's - WWIIExcellent$950.00
Air Force Academy sword with scabbard, by VanguardVery Fine$350.00
Air Force Academy sword with scabbardExcellent$275.00
M1902 officer sabre with scabbard, named to an officer of the 185th Field Artillery (part of the 34th "Red Bull" Division, served in North Africa and Italy)Excellent$350.00
M1902 officer sabre with scabbard, early horn grips by Horstman, broken quillonFine$225.00
Post-1900 US Cavalry Swords  
M1905 Springfield experimental cavalry sabre, low serial number, with scarce officer pigskin scabbardVery Good$1850.00
M1913 Patton sabre with scabbard, dated 1914Fine$650.00
M1913 Patton sabre with scabbard, dated LF&C 1918Good$550.00
Post-1900 US Navy Swords  
M1852 USN officer sword by ConquerorFine$325.00
M1852 USCG sword with scabbard marked USAVery Fine$425.00
M1852 USCG sword with scabbard by Boston Uniform CoFine$395.00
M1852 Naval Officer sword with scabbard, marked MADE USAVery Good$250.00
Post-1900 USMC Swords  
USMC NCO sword and scabbard by Hilborn, presented to a 2nd Engineers master sargentExcellent$450.00
C1960-70 USMC mamaluke sword with scabbardNear Mint$475.00
C1960-70 USMC mamaluke sword with scabbardExcellent$450.00
C1950-60 USMC mamaluke sword with scabbard by Japan SwordFine$450.00
Scabbards and Parts  
early sabre blade, 27-1/2" long, has interesting maker proofsGood$595.00
C1790-1800 Philadelphia eagle sword pommelVery Good$250.00
Baltimore eagle sword pommelFine$175.00
early Colichemarde sword blade, 37-1/2" overall, 30-1/2" edge, 1.4" wide at hiltFair$950.00
rayskin Colichemarde scabbard body, 29-3/4" long, 1-1/8" wide at throat on outsideFair$275.00
M1818 NCO scabbardGood$350.00
Medical Staff or Pay Department sword scabbard, drag absent, 0.725" wide inside throatGood$295.00
Feathered eaglehead sword grip, possibly for M1841 USN officer swordVery Fine$450.00
Germanic style sword hiltFair$225.00
C1830-50 straight leather scabbardGood$135.00
M1840 Artillery sabre scabbardGood$325.00
M1840 Dragoon sabre blade marked LelandGood$350.00
M1840 Musician sword scabbardVery Good$325.00
M1850 Staff/Foot sword scabbard bodyVery Good$225.00
M1850 Staff/Foot sword scabbard bodyFair$175.00
M1850 Staff/Foot sword scabbard bodyFair$150.00
M1852 Navy sword scabbard middle mount, Civil War period, with ring, 1-1/4" wide, 2-1/4" longVery Good$110.00
M1852 Navy sword scabbard middle mount, Civil War period, without ring, 1-3/16" wide, 2-13/16" longVery Good$100.00
Light Cavalry style scabbard, does not fit AmesGood$125.00
reproduction Confederate shortsword scabbard, fits blade 21" long, missing dragFine$75.00
M1860 cavalry sabre leather knot, marked H.GAYLORD/CHICOPEE/MASSVery Good$295.00
USCG sword scabbard throat and middle mountsFine$175.00
rare M1905/06 Experimental enlisted 31" scabbard, very scarce with RIA 1906 mark visibleGood$1500.00
Gold sword knotVery Fine$250.00
Gold sword knotFine$225.00
brown sword knot for M1906/1913 cavalry swordFair$50.00
black sword knot for USMC officer swordFine$65.00
Vietnam USMC sword storage bagNear Mint$37.50
Vietnam USMC sword storage bagNear Mint$37.50
Vietnam USMC sword storage bagNear Mint$37.50