M1808 US contract musket by Joshua and Charles Barstow of Exeter, NH, stock shortened - 950.00
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US M1808 contract musket by Joshua and Charles Barstow of Exeter, NH. Marked at tail of lock "J.&C.B" and in front of hammer "US/[eagle]/EXETER". Stock marked with "V/CW" cartouche opposite lock. Barrel marked "US/[eagle/CT oval]/V". Original 42-1/4" barrel, stock shortened to just in front of lower barrel band. Sling swivel and band are absent. Metal parts are mostly a smooth brown patina with the lock and lock screws having seen some cleaning. Stock is uncleaned with a smooth worn patina, having several hairline cracks and a piece of wood missing from above the rear of the lock. Mechanically good, sold as a collector item only, not warranted safe to shoot.