Accoutrements 1776-1865
Accoutrements 1865-1945
Fighting Knives
Antique Swords
Pre-1898 Handguns
Gun Parts
Imperial German
World Military Collectibles


John Gunderson Antique Militaria
C1840-60 percussion curly maple fullstock rifle with nice patchbox - $650.00

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C1840-60 percussion curly maple fullstock rifle. Marked on lock "W.JACOT", otherwise unmarked. 39-1/4" 0.95" octagon barrel of about 0.38" bore. Nicely shaped and engraved 4-piece patchbox. Lock and barrel show an untouched stable rust patina with some pitting around the bolster. Brass furnishings are cleaned. Nice original sights. Stock is good, nicely grained and lightly refinished, having a small piece of replaced wood below the front of the lock, and two minor cracks in the right side of the forearm. Replacement ramrod is too short for the gun, but displays well. Mechanically good with set triggers, sold as a collector item only, not warranted safe to shoot.